Monday, January 9, 2017

Ups and Downs

So this week started great!!!! And then slipped a little in the end, but it pulled through! 

And by that I mean that we rebounded from the holidays super well! We had tons of people we were visiting! We mets lots of new people! We had some pretty great days!!!! Then on thursday it started to snow a little and we got a text from the assistants and they said that we couldn't go outside because the roads were too bad? So we looked outside and there was about a half inch of snow? So apparently, the rest of the entire mission got hit super duper hard by a storm and everything got canceled and there's flooding and sandbagging! lol in Ely we are doing great!!!! Nothings going wrong! Church didn't get canceled! We ended up getting only a few inches of snow! It all froze! Today its all turned to water! So not too bad at all haha. 

Elder Rivers and I are super excited to be staying together this next transfer here in Ely!!! We are seeing a lot of good work out here, and we are feeling rewarded for our diligence. We found two new investigators this week! One, Keith, is very prepared. He knows the Book of Mormon is true, and that he needs to be baptized and is looking forward to that. But he just needs to kick the habits of smoking and drinking coffee. The other investigator is Brittany Slight. She was a referral from our Bishop. She wants to learn more from us about what the church is about! So we will be doing a church tour on Friday! 

We are excited for the work here! This week was super good!!! Lots of people we visited! I was sick on friday and saturday, so Elder Harmon and I were on a sick exchange for two days. Those were super long and frustrating two days. Just because we couldn't do anything. When you're sick on your mission, it really isn't fun! Its super not good! You seriously can't do anything!
 Yesterday I was still not doing so good. Church was rough. But by the end of the day I was doing better and today I feel a lot better. We are excited for this week!! 

But no matter what happens, miracles happen. We found Keith while I was sick, and we found Brittany when I was really not feeling good last night. The Lord rewards us when we strive. When we give it our all, He gives us those miracles. He is truly protecting Ely too! If we had been hit by those storms, we wouldn't have found those people! I love this work! 

I love all y'all and each y'all! 
Elder Miner 

Oh and Ps, This saturday we head to Reno for the mission conference! Elder D Todd Christofferson is coming!!! And a seventy and an area seventy!! Super duper excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Costa Vida after Zone Conference-- Picture from a member.

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