Monday, October 2, 2017


You would not believe what has happened this week. And I don't have 4 hours to tell you all the details, so I will say what I can.
2 Two exchanges

So we now have one of the Puerto Rico missionaries with us! We picked him up on Thursday. Two weeks ago I had no companions, now I have two! This has been a lot of fun and a lot of adjustment for all the members and such. It has been cool. So now I have two spanish speaking companions and I can't speak it still...

This week has been insane. So many miracles have happened. Never a dull moment up in Reno North. Two exchanges A new companion. Good times. Elder Horstmann came to my area with me and we had a good and successful time. Elder Merrill came with Elder Autrey and I later in the week. With both of these exchanges, we saw extreme busyness The busyness was of a good kind though. It all lead to someone growing close to salvation and exaltation. We met with many investigators who have made these changes in their lives to come close unto the Savior. One even told us that she is ready for baptism and that she knows it's true. She has been married to a less-active for 15 years, and is finally ready for this huge step in her life. 

So something from General Conference that really inspired me was President Nelsons charge with the Book of Mormon. It isn't just knowing the book is true. It must become part of us. It should change our soul! it should be a very central part of our lives. Also I loved the phrase coined yesterday "Love without service is like faith without works." I love my companions, but do I really? I love my family, but how do they know? I am going to change the way I love people. I am going to make it more meaningful for myself and all those who are with me. I will change my nature to align myself with God. There were so many insights. I feel as though I have been changed. My life is different now. I am so looking forward to receiving the conference issue of the Ensign so that I can review the talks. I loved Elder Renlund's talk in the priesthood session. His story about the man who had been re-baptized and then went onto have his blessing restored unto him touched the innermost part of my heart. As Elder Renlund shared that only his original baptism, confirmation, priesthood and temple dates would show on his record, the spirit confirmed to me the absoluteness of repentance. Nothing is held back when we truly repent and come unto Christ. Even the worst sins can be overcome through the atoning power of Jesus Christ, and not even a blemish will be left upon us. We truly can become as white as snow. That changed me.
I love all y'all and each y'all
Elder Miner 

Elder Miner, Elder Coronodo, Elder Autry

The Herron kids with the Elders

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