Monday, June 26, 2017

Reno North!

Well, I don't even know what to say. i'm kinda sad about how things are right now. But I stand all amazed at the wisdom and the knowledge of God. In humility as we pondered what has happened, we have accepted this as God's will. It makes sense. And we think that Miracles will come in abundance. The members aren't too happy about it, nor are they excited for what is coming. We are going to smooth it out as much as we possibly can. We spent the morning at our ward mission leaders home in the 4th ward essentially consoling him and trying to cheer him, his family, and our investigator up. We know and accept that this is for the best and that God's hand is in this. Once the hammer came down we were really in shock. But after the initial shock, we have both accepted this! But can I just say, I really really really don't like packing. Like packing stinks. Trying to make everything fit is the worst!! But I am so excited for what will come!!! 

I love Fallon. The people here are soooooo good and so cool! They are some of the nicest folk i've ever met. There are definitely people I will be coming back here to visit. Within the next two transfers, there are 4 potential baptisms that could happen within these wards. Two of them will require some effort. Another will happen regardless. And the fourth shouldn't be that hard to encourage. The Elders will see a lot of miracles as they come into this area. Fallon will always have a special place in my heart. 

So if ya haven't figured it out yet, I'm being transfered. And not just me, but Elder Ramirez too! We are being DT'd out. Elder Thomas and Elder Judd will be taking our spots. Yes, that Elder Judd! I am really excited to see what will come!! I am going to RENO!!!! Reno North zone. My next companion is Elder Jensen from California. I am so excited to continue to serve in whatever way the Lord asks me to.

The Lord is preparing this area. Miracles will happen here for these two new Elders 

I love all y'all and each y'all
Elder Miner 

New address:
#9G 7350 Silver Lake Rd.
Reno, Nv 89506

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