Monday, July 3, 2017


This week has been super great! I really love my new area and my new companion! Elder Jensen is a super good missionary, and I feel like because of that, I have learned more about how to apply my purpose in the past week, than I have in the past 17 months. Probably not a good thing, but I am slowly getting it. On top of the revelation I figured out last transfer about "having an eye single to the glory of God", I am learning how to practically apply that. I am learning how to be as bold as we possibly can, without being overbearing. I am growing to love the people here so quickly, and also learning what I still need to work on. Talking to people in the streets is definitely something that I can improve on. And Elder Jensen, is crazy good at that! Like he is super good! He can talk to anyone! So I am taking lots of notes. 

In this area, with us covering both the Cold Springs ward, and the Silver Lake ward, We have our work cut out for us. We have a lot to do in a short amount of time. Because of how far away Cold Springs is, we can only make it out there a few times a week. But those few times have been really good so far! We have spent a lot of the week trying to organize the area, and rebuild the traveling area books. We also now have maps of the area. So if any of you want to know where we are, think north. Really really north! Like, there is nothing in the mission more north than our area. We hit the California boarder and then go straight up all the way to Oregon... They call this area the North Valleys. Because it is a bunch of Valleys in the north. But it is still Reno..kinda...sorta?
Elder Jensen and I think along the same lines, so we have been getting along pretty well. And our ideas really click with the other person as well. In teaching situations we work pretty well together. We follow the guidelines of "Preach My Gospel", and do things the way we are supposed to do. He is by far my boldest companion, which is something I really need. I need to learn how to be better at that. Might be a little late, but better late than never. I would even probably say that Elder Jensen is the best missionary in the mission. I have served around some of the best our mission has to offer. I was even trained by two of them, but Elder Jensen takes the cake I think. And to top that, back home we were pretty similar people. Like really really similar! Which has been cool to FINALLY have a companion like that. I think it is helping us to get along. Because of that, we pretty much accept what the other person says right away. But I have to say, he is my FIRST companion to do things the way that "Preach My Gospel" Says to do things. I can't tell you how much that means to me. And for him Obedience is paramount. Which is super important considering Obedience is the first law of everything! 

The Zone so far seems to be doing well. We got to train Elder Clark in the Summit Ridge ward on how to be a district leader. I am so excited for him! He has seen the difference between obedience and disobedience on his mission. He knows what each feels like, and knows which one is better. He will be a huge asset to his district, the zone, and the mission. I am excited to see how his first training will go. I remember my first training I ever gave. It did not go very well at all... But you live and you learn. 
I am so excited to be here and to serve in Reno! We are going to see some huge miracles these next few transfers!!

I love all y'all and each y'all! 
Elder Miner 

Perfect Sign

Elder Jensen and Elder Miner

New Area

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