Monday, August 7, 2017

Still in Reno

This week was a lot of fun! We saw some miracles, that's for sure! 

Our investigator Chris Hammond is moving forward to his baptismal date of August 19! This week he gave us all of his Coffee and his Coffee maker so that he would no longer be tempted by it. We taught him about Tithing this week, and he told us about how hard it would be. He is barely making any money. Hardly enough to eat on. We bore testimony over and over again about the blessing that will come from paying it. He finally said that he would try it. Yesterday after Church he called us saying that he had grabbed a tithing slip from the building, and was starting to put money into the tithing section! Chris also bore his testimony yesterday! That was HUGE!!! The ward loves him and is reaching out to embrace him a ton! 

Our other major investigator, Mike, is back on track now! He came to church yesterday and has a baptismal date for also August 19th. In our lesson with him this week, we went over the baptismal interview questions with him, and he passed them with flying colors. He is awesome and is so ready for baptism! The work is moving forward in this great area and great mission. Miracles abound where and when we exercise our faith and actually put in the effort. 

I am so excited to be able to stay with Elder Jensen for another 4 weeks. It will go by too fast, but it will be filled with boldness, hard-work, and miracles. I am not the same missionary that came to Reno 6 weeks ago. I am drastically different. I am repenting and doing better. The Lord has allowed us to be together so that we could magnify this office in a unique way. Elder Jensen and I teach well together. We work as a team and we are "bold as a Lion". We see miracles as we communicate and work together. This past week we saw a new height for our teaching. We were working with some less actives and trying to help them to attend church. If we had stepped away and looked in, what were saying would've offended anyone! They would've hated our guts for the words we uttered. But the spirit was there. And we said the things that the spirit put into our hearts. I said the words "unless you attend church and partake of the sacrament, you cannot go to heaven." Now any normal person would not have said that, nor would any normal person listen to that without pulling a gun on us. But what the spirit whispers, we say. We are a peculiar people. We don't say things normal people say. And we are seeing miracles because of these things. That less active came to church this week.  

I love this work that we are engaged in! It is the best work in the world. It is the reason that God does what He does. 

I love all y'all and each y'all
Elder Miner 




Elder Miner and Elder Hokanson

Mesa Street

Elder Jensen holding a cat

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