Monday, June 12, 2017

Good Week!

How's it going? This week was a lot of fun! We were able to see some good things happen this week! It was a lot of fun! We had a really good lesson with our investigator named Kevin! He is  good guy. He is a married to an active member and is really trying to find out if this is the truth and if he needs to join the church. So this week at the lesson with him, his wife wasn't there, so it was just us and him. It ended up being a really good thing, because he was a lot more open with us We were teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we were talking about how it is a restoration. He was confused because he has heard about all those things before. He thinks he has faith. He feels like he has repented. He thinks he was baptized and he thinks he feels the Holy Ghost. So we explained that the things were still lost. And that the impact of those specific things was lost. I started talking about how the modes of baptism was lost. And then Elder Ramirez talked about how baptism for the dead was lost too, even though it talks about it in the Bible. A few minutes later he asked about that. He wanted to see where it was at. And so we opened to it. Gave him a solid IRA and then he was stunned. He was shocked. And then a comment something like "and the kingdoms of glory are mentioned on the next page". We got him. He said that it was undeniable. They had the proof about it. it was crazy! He was stuck on it for about 20 minutes. He thought it was seriously the coolest thing ever. "you guys make so many bold claims, and here is some proof! No one else does this. And it's right here." We were able to help him that much of the Restoration was the changing the wrong interpretation to the correct one. The right way to baptize. The right way to go to church. The right way to help with the salvation of the dead. He actually understand the Restoration now. And he is beginning to see why it was needed! It was a super great lesson! The most sidetracked Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson ever, but possibly the most inspired as well. When we were talking about Enduring to the End with him, he hit it on the head when we asked him what it was. And then we talked about church attendance and why it was important. He said "LDS people are the most active and committed to church. It isn't just Sunday, it's every day of the week! I think that is really cool. I grew up Catholic and it was like 'go to church twice and year and that's it' And now you're telling me that I have a plan and a role for me! This is crazy" And by Crazy, he meant cool. He is a good man and we are excited to see where this man goes. 

In my personal study this week I made a crazy cool connection. In Doctrine and Covenants it talks about "having an eye single to the glory of God" Well what is God's glory? It is "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" So when we are told to have an eye single to God's glory, it means we must have "an eye single to [bringing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of Man." Making this connection this week really changed me I am a different person now versus last Tuesday. 

I was able to go on exchanges with Elder Hiatt this week. I was with him in his area. It was cool because I have served with him in two  zones prior to now. But I was never able to get to know him very well. So we had a ton of fun doing that on this exchange. He is a really good teacher, and our teaching styles really blended together well. We had a super cool lesson with some less-actives. We were going to visit the parents, but they weren't home. The teenage kids said that they would be back soon. So sat down, and the 17 year old son said that his 15 year old sister "needed Jesus". So we talked with her and we were kinda like, what the (slang term) is going on? So we didn't take it seriously. But then we did. She was asking why do bad things happen to people. She doesn't believe in God because of this. So we did end up taking it seriously and I used the analogy about trees that Sister Chesnut shared at zone conference. About only the ones that take the wind and have a tough life make it in the end. And in my head I was thinking "we should watch refiner's fire" Then Elder Hiatt asked her, "do you know what a refiner's fire is?" we watched the video and then talked some more. Then the older brother came and she left and we helped him to overcome his concerns. It was so cool! We were able to build upon what he already believed about how drugs are bad to explain why God gives us "rules". It was so powerful! And then their two friends talked to us one by one. We explained why God doesn't want us to drink beer. Because he wants us to feel that he loves us and also feel the spirit. It worked for the friend. And then we talked to the last one about going to church. I had actually met him before at a recent converts house on our area, and he lives in our area and we invited him to come to church. So we will see! After that we left, because it was 9 and no parents. We got out of there and we were both just kinda like "woah". Super Chaotic because the person we were teaching and the topic we were teaching kept changing, but the spirit was there and it was really amazing! The spirit smoothed out the Chaos. 

I love this mission! It's the best!!

I love all y'all and each y'all
Elder Miner 

Fallon Zone

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