Monday, November 6, 2017

YSA Reno

This week has been great! Elder Wegelin is awesome! I really enjoy being his companion! We are having a lot of fun together and we are teaching well together too. It is a little weird to be teaching only people who are really our age. I've gotten so used to teaching and talking to people who are two or three times our ages, and it has been an adjustment to talk to people who are our age. Being on UNR campus is even odder! It is strange to see a bunch of college students. I enjoy being able to relate to the people better with the things that I know. And since I went to a semester of college before the mission, I can kinda relate to the college students in some aspect. Even though I am only 20, I've been looking at virtually everyone around me as if they were younger than me. I look at 60 year olds and think that I am on par with them. That's just how it's gone. And now suddenly I'm back at it with the millennials and it is the strangest thing ever! 

But there are a LOT of good things that come from working the YSA ward. We can wander around campus for an hour and set up 2-4 appointments and find less-actives out of no ware. The dark hours essentially don't affect us because college kids never sleep. We can be effective at literally all hours of the day. The only down side to being here is that the driving around is a pain. We cover 1 and a half stakes, and it takes a long while to get anywhere. But I love it. 

We found new investigators this week! Both of them being very very solid. One is a lady who's name is Sammy. She grew up Jewish, but has no understanding really of any religion at all. She is dating a member and they have been attending church off and on for a couple of years. And we were the first missionaries to meet with them as of this past week. She is super excited to learn and to grow! And then another man named Daniel. He has investigated before and knows EVERYTHING. He moved and his Mom has health problems so he didn't get baptized before. But now he is stable and ready to learn! We are super pumped!! 

The zone seems good too! A lot of new missionaries to meet, but a lot of familiar faces too! 

I love all y'all and each y'all
Elder Miner 

Elder  Wegelin making bacon

making bacon

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