Monday, November 7, 2016


This week was a lot of fun!!!! I love it out here!!!!! We love the people out here! My companion is super great!!!!!!!!

We saw miracles this week!! I didn't die this week, which is truly a miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So on exchanges I went with an elder named Elder Katsilas into their area, Ely 1st ward. they cover a small town called Ruth. Well actually New Ruth. Old Ruth got buried by the mine..... But anyway, so there are these less actives called the Stewards. Their house is old and covered in tons and tons and tons of garbage. And so we helped them do some yard work. And by yard work I mean pulling sharp metal poles out of the ground that are covered in 3 feet of concrete with a tow truck! Kinda crazy! We had to stand on chains to get them to move. Then we had to move their fallen over shed with the tow truck also! I had to lift the shed with a crowbar to get it to move and it probably weighed several hundred pounds. So that was fun haha. But it was super neat to talk with them. They are super old and obsessed with aliens! So kinda funny people! We are happy to help anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha. 

But we set 3 more people with baptismal dates this week! All three in february, but we are excited for it! We had some people at church this week and had a neat experience with everyone for fast and testimony meeting! 

There is this chilean ex area seventy, who is now in the stake presidency, in our ward and his wife has been with her mom and her mother in law all week. She said that her mother in law says to "never miss an opportunity to pee" Apparently this is an issue with old people. (the mother in law was peeing while she said this too haha) And sister Gimenez used this to say to "never miss and opportunity to testify" So that is my message to y'all this week. Never ever ever miss a chance to testify! because you never know what you say that can change someones life!

I love all y'all!!

Elder Miner 
Chandler and Elder Anderson 
Doing something weird

funny signs

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