Monday, May 1, 2017

Joe Smith

This week has been very good! We had a good time this week! We saw some pretty cool things happen! On Tuesday and Wednesday night we went out with some members. On Tuesday we were with our ward mission leader in the 4th ward and we went out to visit some people that he had planned for. And also that we wanted to meet. It was super effective!! We got to meet a great many less-actives and got to know some pretty cool stuff about them as well. The ice was broken by having this member, Brother Moulton, introduce us to them. They agreed to let us come by and practice with them sometime too! Then the next night we went on splits. I was with Brother Moulton and Elder Ramirez with a member of our Bishopric. We had some wonderful talks with people. My companion was able to give a blessing and the 4 of us met many many less-actives! We are planning on doing this every week now! And yesterday we were talking about trying to get us out on splits every single night with members! Or even if splits won't work, then just have someone with us. We are very excited! People actually talk to us and let us into the door when they see someone who they know, or who looks more normal than we do. 
And this morning, as Elder Ramirez was getting his haircut by his wife, Brother Moulton and I were talking about how to make these nights and also home teaching more effective. So tomorrow, we are going to bring our map of 4th ward. It has it all divided up into sub areas. So we will be coordinating and planning out these future nights our on the town based upon the less-actives in each area. And yesterday in PEC, most of it was on how to make home teaching more effective. Because of the dynamics of this ward, it could be really easy, or really hard. So we talked and shared a little about how it says to figure out home teaching assignments by distance and area. So Brother Moulton is going to present our ward map in the next ward council as a solution to the home teaching issues too. We are going to be working very heavily with the ward leaders on this. The Bishop really wants to turn home teaching into neighbor teaching. Which in turn will help with missionary work. Because now they will be able to see their families more often. Especially the less-active ones. And the Ward has been giving us a lot of attention too. They are mentioning us a lot more. We are so excited to see what will happen in the 4th ward! 

In the 3rd ward we got a new ward mission leader on Sunday, so we are excited to see what will happen with that. He is a younger guy. His name is Bryant Hendricksen. 

Also in the 4th ward, we were asked by a member to help out in Sunday school. So I got to memorize a ton of the Joseph Smith story, and then dress up as Joseph Smith, and recite it as if I was him telling his story! It was super cool to do and a lot of fun! Everyone said that I looked a lot like him too. So that worked out well! Memorizing the story, word for word, I got to learn more about Joseph Smith. I learned the different specific words he used. It helped me to better understand what he went through. It was just a very good experience

I love all y'all and each y'all
Elder Miner 
Chandler as Joseph Smith

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