Monday, July 4, 2016

Hot Hot Hot--- June 6th 2016

Okay so it's not as back home, but it still pretty hot here. Hitting high 90's and low 100's. And we were on bikes the entire week. Like the entire week. We have been trying to find more and more people, but with out much luck on our own efforts. We are setting mission records for referrals contacted, but nothing of value is coming of it. we've contacted 41 referrals in the past two weeks. Non of them are interested. So we were getting really frustrated this week because we were getting nothing from our efforts. We have tried literally every method to find people. Even probably the least used method of Family history. And nothing. But then 3 miracles happened these past 3 days. The Tongan man, the nice Jewish Man and a sweet Cancer patient. 

In preach my gospel we are promised that when we search for new people to teach, either we will be lead to them, or they will be led to us. And this week was an amazing miracle of the latter happening!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The First miracle that happened was Friday when Charles the Tongan came up to our car and told us that he had met with missionaries about a year and a half ago and that his mom needed some prayers and he told us to come back and to teach him and his family! He even remembered the missionaries that used to be teaching him!  

Saturday was the second miracle. A very nice Jewish man came up to me while we were waiting for the the crosswalk to let us go and asked me what a messiah was. He then introduced himself and asked if we could meet up and talk about things. So yesterday we met up and talked about the book of Mormon and soft committed him to baptism. He was a very nice man! But now my companion and I understand how Christ felt when he laments about Jerusalem and the Jews.

Last night as we were about to leave a families house who we've been working with, this lady came up to us and started talking to us. She opened up about how she had just been diagnosed with cancer and that she would be starting chemo this week and that she needs some help moving. And also she is moving into  a different part of our are! She shared how God is helping her with her life and the miracles she has seen and she is super open and willing and she used to meet with missionaries before. So we are going by on Wednesday to meet with her and talk with her. 

God really does answer our prayers. He really does help us when we beg and plead with him for help. He truly does care about two missionaries in a tiny area of sparks. He truly does care about the details, not because they necessarily matter to him, but because they matter to us. I love Him, and I love the Savior. With all of my Heart Might Mind and Strength. When we serve Him, He serves us 

I love all of y'all and each y'all. 

Elder Miner 

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